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Ep. 109 George Gulstrom - Keep Dreaming! Episode 109

Ep. 109 George Gulstrom - Keep Dreaming!

· 57:53

George is a husband, father, follower of Jesus, contractor, coffee connoisseur, musician, gun enthusiast and much more!

We drank Black Rifle Coffee that he made the morning of our podcast, which was awesome!

One of his favorite quotes is: “The best things in life are on the other side of what we fear most.” - Unknown

If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, reach out to me at buddyp7@gmail.com.

For more stories like this, go to: https://www.youtube.com/@BuddyJamesPuckett

#conversationswithbuddy #lostoakconstruction #blackriflecoffee
#Jesusfollower #coffee #coffeelovers #coffeetime


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