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Ep. 127 Will Cabanilla - My GOD is real and I can feel HIM in my soul! 🙏 Episode 127

Ep. 127 Will Cabanilla - My GOD is real and I can feel HIM in my soul! 🙏

· 01:11:40

I love having conversations like I had with my Filipino brother, Will… fully transparent with all of life’s challenges, mistakes, but also the victory he has through his Savior, Jesus Christ! 🙏

Will is a father, general contractor, golfer, fisherman, cook, evangelist, brother and so many other cool things!  He’s a one of a kind guy that you will love!

Will’s quote, “HE came to my rescue!”

If you want to connect with Will, text or call him on his cell at 503-979-2605!  He goes by Will, William or his close friends might call him Willy!

#Jesusfollower #evangelist #golfer #contractor #Filipino
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For more stories like this, go to: https://www.youtube.com/@BuddyJamesPuckett

If you or someone you know want to be on the podcast, please reach out to me on Instagram @conversationswithbuddy or text me at 503-851-8031. 

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About Buddy Puckett:
Buddy Puckett has been in the mortgage and finance space and mentoring men for over 25 years.  A mentoring opportunity all started when he first began in the mortgage industry in 1998, when he began to mentor a younger guy who happened to be married.  This person was not making great choices and it was sadly affecting his marriage.  We all are 1 decision away from something really dumb, so accountability became something Buddy knew he needed as well.  Buddy’s wife, Shawn, suggested he start a podcast in 2022 to share the stories of people who have struggled,
failed, overcame by realizing the life of love, joy and peace is only available through a relationship with Jesus Christ! 

“Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me’.” John 14:6


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